العربيةُ لُغةُ القرآنِ Arabic the Language of the Quran
العربيةُ لُغةُ القرآنِ
دخلَ أحمدُ مركزَ الملكِ فيصلِ للدراساتِ الإسلاميةِ بمدينةِ مَراوي بالفلبينِ.
وجدَ أحمدُ صديقَهُ عمرَ في المكتبةِ يقرأُ المُصحفَ. أتمَّ عمرُ القراءةَ وقالَ : صدقَ اللهُ العظيمُ.
أحمدُ : السلامُ عليكمْ يا عمرُ.
عمرُ : وعليكمُ السلامُ ورحمةُ اللهِ وبركاتُهُ.
أحمدُ : ماذا تفعلُ هنا يا عمرُ ؟
عمرُ : أراجعُ القُرآنَ الكريمَ.
أحمدُ : أينَ تدرُسُ يا عمرُ ؟
عمرُ : أدرُسُ في مَعهدِ اللغةِ العربيةِ.
أحمدُ : أينَ هذا المعهدُ ؟
عمرُ : بجامعةِ أمِّ القُرى، بمكةَ المكرمةِ.
أحمدُ : كمْ عددُ سنواتِ الدراسةِ بهذا المعهدِ ؟
عمرُ : ثلاثُ سنواتٍ.
أحمدُ : متى تبدأُ الدراسةُ في المعهدِ ؟
عمرُ : تبدأُ الدراسةُ في فصلِ الخريفِ من كلِّ عامٍ.
أحمدُ : أريدُ أنْ ألتحقَ بالمعهدِ، فماذا أفعلُ يا عمرُ ؟
عمرُ : أرسلْ طلباً إلى عَميدِ المعهدِ.
أحمدُ : أرجو أنْ تُساعدَني في كتابةِ الطلبِ.
عمرُ : بكلِّ سُرورٍ. هيا نكتُبُ الطلبَ.
Arabic, the Language of the Quran
Ahmad entered the King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies in Marawi, Philippines.
Ahmad found his friend Omar in the library reading the Quran.
Omar finished reading and said: "Allah the Almighty has spoken the truth."
Ahmad: Peace be upon you, Omar.
Omar: And peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.
Ahmad: What are you doing here, Omar?
Omar: I am reviewing the Holy Quran.
Ahmad: Where do you study, Omar?
Omar: I study at the Arabic Language Institute.
Ahmad: Where is this institute?
Omar: At Umm Al-Qura University in Mecca.
Ahmad: How many years of study are there at this institute?
Omar: Three years.
Ahmad: When does the study begin at the institute?
Omar: The study begins in the fall of every year.
Ahmad: I want to join the institute. What should I do, Omar?
Omar: Send an application to the dean of the institute.
Ahmad: I hope you can help me write the application.
Omar: With all pleasure. Let's write the application.
This discourse is a dialogue between two acquaintances, Ahmad and Omar, situated within the framework of Islamic studies. Here is an elucidation of the exchange:
- Ahmad arrives at the King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies in Marawi, Philippines, and finds his friend Omar in the library reading the Quran.
- Greetings: Ahmad extends a traditional Islamic greeting to Omar, and Omar reciprocates in kind.
- Ahmad inquires about Omar's activities, to which Omar responds that he is reviewing the Quran.
- The study details are as follows.
- Ahmad inquires about the academic pursuits of Omar.
- Omar reveals that he is enrolled in studies at the Arabic Language Institute, which is a component of Umm Al-Qura University in Mecca.
- Ahmad inquires about the duration of the course, to which Omar replies that it lasts for a duration of three years.
- Ahmad inquires when the academic year begins, and Omar responds that it begins in the fall.
- Ahmad expresses his interest in joining the institute and requests Omar's advice.
- Omar suggests that Ahmad submit an application to the dean of the institute.
- Ahmad requested Omar's help with the application, and Omar agreed to assist him.
- مركز الملك فيصل للدراسات الإسلامية (King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies):
- مركز: Center
- الملك فيصل: King Faisal
- للدراسات الإسلامية: For Islamic Studies
- مدينة مراوي (City of Marawi):
- مدينة: City
- مراوي: Marawi
- الفلبين (Philippines): A country in Southeast Asia.
- صديق (Friend): Male friend.
- المكتبة (Library): A place where books and other materials for reading and study are kept.
- المصحف (Quran): The holy book of Islam.
- السلام عليكم (Peace be upon you): A traditional Islamic greeting.
- ورحمة الله وبركاته (And Allah's mercy and blessings): An extended form of the greeting, meaning "and Allah's mercy and blessings."
- أراجع (Review): To go over or study material again.
- القرآن الكريم (The Holy Quran): The sacred scripture of Islam.
- أدرس (I study): I am studying.
- معهد اللغة العربية (Arabic Language Institute):
- معهد: Institute
- اللغة العربية: Arabic Language
- جامعة أم القرى (Umm Al-Qura University):
- جامعة: University
- أم القرى: Umm Al-Qura (a historical name for Mecca)
- مكة المكرمة (Mecca): A holy city in Islam located in Saudi Arabia.
- عدد سنوات الدراسة (Number of years of study):
- عدد: Number
- سنوات: Years
- الدراسة: Study
- ثلاث سنوات (Three years):
- ثلاث: Three
- سنوات: Years
- تبدأ الدراسة (The study begins):
- تبدأ: Begins
- الدراسة: Study
- فصل الخريف (Fall season):
- فصل: Season
- الخريف: Fall/Autumn
- ألتحق (Join): To enroll or become a member of.
- أفعل (Do): To do or perform an action.
- أرسل طلباً (Send an application):
- أرسل: Send
- طلباً: An application
- عميد المعهد (Dean of the institute):
- عميد: Dean
- المعهد: The institute
- أرجو (I hope): An expression of request or hope.
- تساعدني (Help me):
- تساعد: Help
- ني: Me
- كتابة الطلب (Writing the application):
- كتابة: Writing
- الطلب: The application
- بكل سرور (With all pleasure):
- بكل: With all
- سرور: Pleasure
دخلَ سعيدٌ إلى المكتبةِ الوطنيةِ في الرباطِ، المغربِ.
وجدَ سعيدٌ صديقَهُ يوسفَ يقرأُ كتاباً عن التاريخِ.
سعيدُ: السلامُ عليكَ يا يوسفُ.
يوسفُ: وعليكَ السلامُ ورحمةُ اللهِ وبركاتُهُ.
سعيدُ: ماذا تفعلُ هنا يا يوسفُ؟
يوسفُ: أقرأُ كتاباً عن تاريخِ المغربِ.
سعيدُ: أينَ تدرُسُ يا يوسفُ؟
يوسفُ: أدرسُ في جامعةِ محمدٍ الخامسِ.
سعيدُ: ماذا تدرسُ في الجامعةِ؟
يوسفُ: أدرسُ الأدبَ العربيَّ.
سعيدُ: كمْ عددُ سنواتِ الدراسةِ في الجامعةِ؟
يوسفُ: أربعُ سنواتٍ.
سعيدُ: متى تبدأُ الدراسةُ في الجامعةِ؟
يوسفُ: تبدأُ الدراسةُ في فصلِ الخريفِ من كلِّ عامٍ.
سعيدُ: أريدُ أنْ ألتحقَ بالجامعةِ، فماذا أفعلُ يا يوسفُ؟
يوسفُ: قدّمْ طلباً إلى إدارةِ الجامعةِ.
سعيدُ: أرجو أنْ تُساعدَني في كتابةِ الطلبِ.
يوسفُ: بكلِّ سرورٍ. هيا نكتُبُ الطلبَ.
Said entered the National Library in Rabat, Morocco.
Said found his friend Youssef reading a book about history.
Said: Peace be upon you, Youssef.
Youssef: And peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.
Said: What are you doing here, Youssef?
Youssef: I am reading a book about the history of Morocco.
Said: Where do you study, Youssef?
Youssef: I study at Mohammed V University.
Said: What do you study at the university?
Youssef: I study Arabic literature.
Said: How many years of study are there at the university?
Youssef: Four years.
Said: When does the study begin at the university?
Youssef: The study begins in the fall of every year.
Said: I want to join the university. What should I do, Youssef?
Youssef: Submit an application to the university administration.
Said: I hope you can help me write the application.
Youssef: With all pleasure. Let's write the application.
The following is an explanation of the conversation.
- Said enters the National Library of Rabat, Morocco, and finds his friend Youssef reading a book about history.
- Best regards: Said extends a traditional Islamic greeting to Youssef, "May peace be upon you," and Youssef responds with "May peace be upon you, and may Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you."
- A discussion about the activities. Said inquires of Youssef as to his current activity, to which Youssef responds that he is perusing a literary work pertaining to the history of Morocco.
- The study outlines: Said inquires of Youssef regarding his academic pursuits, to which Youssef responds that he pursues his studies at Mohammed V University.
- Said then asks you what you study at the university, and you respond that you study Arabic literature.
- Duration: Saeed asks about the duration of the study program at the university, and Youssef informs him that it lasts four years.
- The academic year begins. Saeed inquires about the commencement of the academic year at the university, to which Youssef responds that it commences in the fall of each year.
- Expression of interest in joining: Saeed expresses interest in joining the university and asks Youssef for advice on what to do next.
- The procedure for application is as follows: advised Saeed to apply to the university administration.
- Help with the application is available. Saeed requested Youssef's help with writing the application, and youssef agreed to assist him.
- المكتبة الوطنية (National Library):
- المكتبة: Library
- الوطنية: National
- الرباط (Rabat): The capital city of Morocco.
- المغرب (Morocco): A country in North Africa.
- صديق (Friend): Male friend.
- التاريخ (History): The study of past events.
- السلام عليك (Peace be upon you): A traditional Islamic greeting.
- ورحمة الله وبركاته (And Allah's mercy and blessings): An extended form of the greeting, meaning "and Allah's mercy and blessings."
- أقرأ (I am reading): To read or to be in the process of reading.
- تاريخ المغرب (History of Morocco):
- تاريخ: History
- المغرب: Morocco
- أدرس (I study): I am studying.
- جامعة محمد الخامس (Mohammed V University):
- جامعة: University
- محمد الخامس: Mohammed V (a historical figure and name of the university)
- الأدب العربي (Arabic Literature):
- الأدب: Literature
- العربي: Arabic
- عدد سنوات الدراسة (Number of years of study):
- عدد: Number
- سنوات: Years
- الدراسة: Study
- أربع سنوات (Four years):
- أربع: Four
- سنوات: Years
- تبدأ الدراسة (The study begins):
- تبدأ: Begins
- الدراسة: Study
- فصل الخريف (Fall season):
- فصل: Season
- الخريف: Fall/Autumn
- ألتحق (Join): To enroll or become a member of.
- أفعل (Do): To do or perform an action.
- قدّم طلباً (Submit an application):
- قدّم: Submit
- طلباً: An application
- إدارة الجامعة (University administration):
- إدارة: Administration
- الجامعة: The university
- أرجو (I hope): An expression of request or hope.
- تساعدني (Help me):
- تساعد: Help
- ني: Me
- كتابة الطلب (Writing the application):
- كتابة: Writing
- الطلب: The application
- بكل سرور (With all pleasure):
- بكل: With all
- سرور: Pleasure